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Discovering Genes Involved in Alcohol Dependence and Other Alcohol Responses

A host of biological (i.e., genetic) and environmental factors interact throughout the addictive process to influence alcohol use and abuse. These processes are accompanied by a number of behavioral and neural events that include, but are not limited to, changes in the motivational effects of ethanol (both rewarding and aversive), tolerance to some effects of ethanol, and withdrawal when ethanol...

Alcohol Dependence and Genes Encoding α2 and γ1 GABAA Receptor Subunits

Even though the consequences of alcohol dependence (AD) clearly are devastating and obvious to observers, the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of the disease are far from clear and understood. The search for these mechanisms is made even more difficult by the vast number of genes, proteins, and pathways in the human body that potentially could be involved, and by the obvious...

Epigenetics—Beyond the Genome in Alcoholism

Alcohol is one of the most widely used addictive drugs, and continued use and abuse can lead to the development of tolerance and dependence (Koob 2003a; Tabakoff et al. 1986). Numerous studies have shown that both genetic and environmental risk factors play a role in the development of alcoholism (Ducci and Goldman 2008; Edenberg and Foroud 2006; Farris et al. 2010). Genetic studies in both humans...

New Look and New Title for NIAAA’s Flagship Publication

In 2010, NIAAA marked a significant milestone, celebrating 40 years of research on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Throughout this time, NIAAA’s journal has played an important role, raising awareness about topics in alcohol research and ensuring that important findings from the field were disseminated to the widest possible audience.

The journal began under the title Alcohol World. It had a newsy...

Circadian Genes, the Stress Axis, and Alcoholism

Alcohol abuse and dependence are estimated to affect 1 in 8 adults in the United States and several hundred million people worldwide (Grant et al. 2004). To define at-risk populations and develop better treatments, it is important to further identify the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to alcohol addiction. Recent evidence suggests that the body’s internal system that helps...

Genes Encoding Enzymes Involved in Ethanol Metabolism

The duration and extent of the body’s exposure to beverage alcohol (i.e., ethanol) is the primary determinant of ethanol’s pleiotropic effects on human health (Edenberg 2007). The time course of its concentration and the concentration of its byproducts in the tissues and the circulation, and, consequently, its effects, are determined mainly by the rate of ethanol’s processing (i.e., metabolism) in...

Information for Reviewers

Thank you for your interest in reviewing an article for Alcohol Research: Current Reviews (ARCR). Journal reviewers are invited to evaluate manuscripts because they are recognized subject matter experts in alcohol research. Their input is vital in ensuring that the journal publishes only the highest quality manuscripts. If you have been invited to review an article, you can learn more about the...

Information for Authors

Alcohol Research: Current Reviews (ARCR) currently accepts submissions by invitation only. If you have been invited to submit a review article, you can learn more about submission guidelines and the peer-review process on this page.