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Naturalistic Research on Recovery Processes: Looking to the Future


Recovery is an ongoing process. It is ongoing both because the risk for relapse is lifelong and because renewed recovery is always possible no matter how long the relapse. The ongoing nature of recovery presents multiple research challenges. Because the process of recovery can play out over decades, longitudinal research—although often difficult to conduct—is essential. But even...

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Mutual Help Group Participation for Substance Use Problems


Racial/ethnic minority groups comprise a large proportion of the U.S. population and evidence a substantial need for treatment of substance use disorder (SUD). Analysis of the most recent, reliable data available—the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)1—found that the prevalence of past-year SUD among those age 12 and older was higher among some racial/ethnic minority...

The Emergence, Role, and Impact of Recovery Support Services

Across the different developmental stages of the life course, alcohol and other drugs play an influential role in health, functioning, disease, disability, and premature mortality. A number of different approaches have emerged during the past 60 years to address areas impacted by alcohol and drug use, including formal professional treatment services, but also—in recognition of the need for ongoing...

Natural Recovery by the Liver and Other Organs After Chronic Alcohol Use


A vast body of evidence from human studies and animal research clearly indicates that chronic, heavy alcohol consumption causes structural damage and/or disrupts normal organ function in virtually every tissue of the body. In heavy consumers of alcohol, the liver is especially susceptible to alcohol-induced injury.1,2 Additionally, several other organs—including the gastrointestinal...

A Watershed Year for an Update on the Genetics of Alcoholism

It is easy to think of genetics as the study of genes, but given our current knowledge of genetics, this definition is now considered inadequate. Genetics is the study of differences among individuals—even between identical twins. We know that some differences between individuals are linked to variations in DNA sequence (i.e., the genome), but most differences actually are caused by complex...

Genetics Primer

Genetics is the study of genes— the heritable information that contains the codes for proteins and other molecules which form and maintain an organism’s structure and function. In most organisms, these genes are found in strands of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules. The specific structure of the DNA (described below) ensures that the genetic information can be passed from one generation to the...

Cognitive-Affective Transdiagnostic Factors Associated With Vulnerability to Alcohol and Prescription Opioid Use in the Context of Pain


Pain is a complex, near-universal phenomenon, which can be conceptualized as a motivational state that engenders goal-directed action.1 Motivational models of substance use highlight the role of expected effects and suggest that individuals become motivated to use substances when such use is perceived as holding greater value than other available objects or events.2,3 A rapidly...

Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care: A Perspective on the Past, Present, and Future


This perspective focuses on the relatively recent topic of recovery-oriented systems of care; although influential in practice, this concept has yet to be evaluated empirically and thus cannot yet be the object of a review. In lieu of such evidence, this article offers one perspective on the origins of this concept and its present status prior to considering possible directions in...